12 Simple Ways To Keep Wasps Away

Tip 6: Incense

Whether natural, lemongrass, or citrus flavored (two smells that wasps can’t stand), incense is a good repellent.

You can use incense in your interior, on your terrace, or even at the table during your outdoor lunches to scare away wasps.

You can also use scented candles to keep wasps away.

Their smell bothers them.

Tip 7: garlic or onion

It’s a good idea to remember, especially during your barbecues with friends!

Grill garlic or onions on the barbecue at the same time as your meats, fish, and other grilled meats.

This disturbs the sense of smell of wasps. Once the meal has been served at the table, place the grilled garlic or onion next to your grilled meats so that they do not come to rest on them.

Tip 8: kraft paper

This trick is rather surprising but quite effective!

You just need to use paper or kraft bags to create a lure. Crumple a bag or kraft paper into a large ball.

Hang several copies around the eating area or other areas of the garden such as the swimming pool, the terrace, etc…

The wasps will think that they are other wasps’ nests and will naturally move away from them. this zone.

Certainly, in terms of decoration, it is not necessarily the prettiest, but it is very effective in order not to be disturbed.

Tip 9: an upturned glass and a cut bottle

If you manage to flip a glass on a wasp during your meal, it will emit a sound to call its congeners to come and help it.

If you raise the edge of the glass (with toothpicks for example), the glass will quickly become a wasp trap.

You can prepare the same kind of trap with a cut plastic bottle.

All you need to do is cut a plastic bottle in half.

In the bottom of the half-bottle pour honey, melon juice, or jam. Wasps love these sweet dishes!

Replace the other part of the bottle on top, making sure to put the neck down, like a funnel.

The wasps will find themselves trapped there because if they don’t enter the hole, they won’t be able to come out.

Tip 10: bleach

Bleach is quite effective against wasps.

All you need to do is pour a small amount into a spray bottle filled with water.

Spray this solution in all the rooms of the house if the wasps do not hesitate to enter your home.

We advise you to insist on the starters

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