Are you looking for a place to store your latest shoe purchases? Do you have a spare hanger on hand? I have a quick shoe storage hack just for you! Let’s go!
Enrich your closet with this innovative shoe storage solution – advice straight from Jersey Girl’s clever playbook. All you need is a hanger and a pair of shoes – be it heels, sneakers or loafers
To get started, tape the two ends of the hanger wire together as shown in the attached photo. If it is a bit difficult to tighten them with your hands, feel free to use a pair of pliers to help you.
Enrich your closet with this innovative shoe storage solution – advice straight from Jersey Girl’s clever playbook. All you need is a hanger and a pair of shoes – be it heels, sneakers or loafers
To get started, tape the two ends of the hanger wire together as shown in the attached photo. If it is a bit difficult to tighten them with your hands, feel free to use a pair of pliers to help you.
See how fast and easy it was and that your shoes never touched the ground. Easier to clean by the way😉
I hope you enjoyed this new way to store your shoes in your closet. It was so easy, I wonder what else we’ll do with the wire hangers? Let me know if you have any other ideas?!