Keep Fleas, Ants, and Roaches Out of Your Home For Good With These 12 Amazing, Simple Methods

Bait or trap the ants

DIY Natural recommends making homemade bait by combining one part borax and three parts powdered sugar. The sugar attracts the ants while the borax kills them. Pouring some honey into a shallow dish is a good idea when it comes to trapping the ants.

Find the ant nest

Pour boiling water into the nest, it will flow through the tunnels and kill the ants. Another option is using a solution of camphor oil and methylated spirits.

Starve roaches

Don’t leave leaks in the house as roaches cannot live more than a couple of days without water. On the other hand, they are fond of grease, so make sure you clean the stovetop and the kitchen free of food splatters and crumbs. The goal is to starve the roaches.

Deter roaches

Home Remedies Care suggests several natural scents and chemicals that roaches cannot stand, including mint oil, cedar, bay leaves, lemon, cucumber, and Listerine. Make your solution and spray it around the house to keep roaches at bay.

Make your roach spray

Mix soap and water and spray the solution onto roaches. This method helps suffocate them, it works quickly, and it is completely safe to use around the house.

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