Fall has always been my favorite time of year — between the crisp weather, the coziness of the season, football games, and good food, what’s not to love?? More than all of those things though, I am a color girl — I love color in my life — so when the trees are turning, I start getting giddy! This project livens up my living room, and I’m so surprised of just how quick and easy it was. (I did this in just 30 minutes!)
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SUPPLIES: –tomato cages (2) –planter pots or urns (2) –bolt cutters (I’m not sure what else there is out there that can chop these super thick tomato cages but if y’all have suggestions, I’m all ears. These bolt cutters were easy to work with though, surprisingly. Rob had them in our garage from his mechanic days.) –Christmas light strands (2) –fall leaf garland (I used a total of 8 strands of garland — 4 on each topiary — my topiaries measure roughly 32″ tall from the top of the topiary to the top of the planter.) Not pictured: -rubberbands (2)

STEP 1: Snip tomato cages First, I decided about how tall I wanted my topiaries to be and snipped my tomato cages using bolt cutters.

STEP 2: Place tomato cages on planters Then, I positioned my tomato cages on the planters — you’ll want to flip your tomato cage upside down to do this. If you want extra security, you can try hot gluing them, but mine fit on there fairly snug.
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